


Kramplar genelde baldır bölgesinde sizi uyandıracak şekilde rahatsız edici olabilir. Bu krampların nedenleri net olarak bilinmesede yine gebelikte değişen hormonal etkiler ile venöz damarların genişlemesi, ayrıca büyüyen uterusun bacak venlerine bası yapması nedenler arasında gösterilmektedir. Ayrıca diet ile alınan kalsiyum veya magnesium eksikliğine, tuzdan fakir beslenmeye bağlı olabileceği belirtilmektedir.
Kramp girdiği zaman ayağın gerilip, ayak tabanından yukarı doğru bastırma krampın etkisini azaltır. Sıcak kompresler ile baldırları yumuşatabilirsiniz. Gece yatarken alınan kalsium takviyesi krampları azaltabilir. Bunla geçmez ise magnesium takviyesi verilebilinir. Krampların önlenmesi amacıyla güzndüzleri yapılan yürüyüş şeklindeki egzersizler faydalı olabilir. Uzun süreli oturma periodları krampları arttırır. Gün içinde ayak gerdirme egzersizleri fayda sağlayabilir. Yatmadan önce ılık su ile yapılan banyalor kasları rahatlatabilir.

Adet Kanaması (regl kanaması) Nedir

Basit olarak adet kanamasının tanımı seks hormonları olan östrojen ve progesteronun yumurtalıklardan üretiminin duraksamaya uğraması ve böylece rahim içi duvarındaki endometriumun fonksiyon tabasının dökülerek kanama şeklinde atılmasıdır. Her adet kanamasının başlangıcı, aynı zamanda yumurtalıklarda yavaş yavaş büyümeye başlayan, içinde yumurta hücresini taşıyan içi su dolu kese salgıladığı östrojen hormonu ile atılan tabaka tamir edilerek yeni bir adet döneminin başlangıcı olmaktadır.

Choosing A High Quality, Effective Prenatal Vitamin

Pregnancy is a special time for mom and baby. Eating for two can sometimes become a complex undertaking as requirements for most nutrients are higher during pregnancy and lactation. Since most women are not able to meet those increased nutritional needs through diet alone, health care professionals recommend a daily prenatal multivitamin during conception, pregnancy, and lactation … but not all prenatal vitamins are equal and offer a woman convenience, ease, assurance and quality. Choosing the right prenatal multivitamin that nurtures you and baby is crucial. So is making a commitment to taking it every day, even when you are breastfeeding! Here are some tips that make navigating the store aisles a bit easier so you can make a better choice.

Look for these key nutrients for a healthy pregnancy

Folate/Folic Acid: Increased intake of this B vitamin during pregnancy has a well-established role in reducing the risk of neural tube defects.

B Vitamins: In addition to Folate/Folic Acid, the other B vitamins are also important for proper nervous system development. B6 supplementation has also been shown to safely and effectively decrease nausea.

Vitamin A: This fat-soluble vitamin is key for embryonic growth and the development of the circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems.

Iron: This mineral is essential for the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood and for the development of the brain and nervous system during pregnancy.

Pregnant women are at a higher risk of being deficient in this essential micronutrient, which plays important roles in brain and nervous system development.

Vitamin D: Because evidence indicates that the current recommendations of 200-600 I.U. daily may not be adequate for optimum maternal and infant health, I recommend choosing a daily prenatal vitamin that contains at least 800 IU Vitamin D3.

Replace the standard, large prenatal pill with an effervescent multivitamin drink

Many of my patients experience nausea, sensitive palates, and difficulties swallowing pills, and/or keeping pills down while pregnant—which makes taking the prenatal vitamins they crucially need especially challenging. That’s why I recommend an effervescent prenatal multivitamin instead of traditional pill-form prenatal vitamins. You simply add the effervescent powder to a glass of water or juice and stir to create a tasty sparkling drink that provides the nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy. An added benefit is that drinking an effervescent prenatal multivitamin everyday also helps women stay hydrated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Effervescence also delivers nutrients more effectively than pills. Many of us do not break down pills efficiently. But unlike pills, an effervescent drink does not need to be broken down by stomach acids in order to be absorbed—delivering better absorption (and therefore better results) than pills.

Oxylent and the American Pregnancy Association

Vitalah is a corporate sponsor of the American Pregnancy Association and looks to support women and families with an effervescence prenatal vitamin. This prenatal provides an option to swallowing the larger pills by delivering your vitamins in a drinkable form. There is no sugar, gluten, dairy, caffeine or artificial additives of any kind.

Fetal Movement During Pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy, then everything is so new to you that it’s easy to over-think and over-analyze everything. But regardless of how many pregnancies you’ve gone through, every mother enjoys feeling their baby move about in their tummies. Let’s take a look at fetal movement throughout each trimester so you can know better what to expect.

First Trimester Fetal Movement

Because it’s so early on in your pregnancy, feeling your baby move around won’t be something that you’ll experience just yet. The tiny embryo is about the size of a grain of rice, and is safe and sound deep within your uterine walls. It won’t be until the second semester that you mamas-to-be will be feeling any movement.

Second Trimester Fetal Development

Anywhere from the twelve week mark is when moms have reported starting to feel faint flutters and movement from their developing baby. Because every woman and developing child is different, it’s impossible to pinpoint exactly when you will start to feel your baby’s movements. But since your baby is growing rapidly – twelve weeks may be your time or it could be as late as twenty weeks until you feel some kicks and jabs. Once you recognize the feeling of your baby’s movements, you’ll be amazed at how awesome the whole experience is.

Third Trimester Fetal Development

By your third trimester, your child’s space is beginning to get cramped. Every movement that your little one makes will be felt in some context so expect jabs to the ribs, frequent bathroom trips, and circus-like kicking. However, it’s important to remember that our babies are unique – therefore, no two shall move alike within utero. Some babies will move frequently while others will be more relaxed and content to just hang out until it’s time to meet the world head on.
  • Always remember that at any point during your pregnancy, if your child’s fetal movement is a concern to you, contact your doctor right away.
  • If you haven’t felt your baby move as much as you think you should and even if you just feel something may not be right – always be proactive about your pregnancy and stay in close contact with your doctor. No concern is too small when it involves your growing family.

3 Steps To Help With Bedwetting

For some households, bedwetting is a huge undertaking. It seems like it takes forever to get all the kids on the same page to stay dry all night.

The fact is, that bedwetting can come naturally for most children by about age five or six. It’s just that not all parents wish to wait that long.

So, if you feel it’s time to start getting your little one to go through the night in his undies rather than a diaper, here are three steps that can help you begin the process.

1. Talk About It

This is definitely an area that shouldn’t be sprung upon your kiddies.

Create a plan and a timeline and start introducing the idea to your little one a couple of weeks ahead of time.

You can read stories on the topic to help ease your child into it and you should visit the GoodNites web page for helpful articles and tips given by other parents who have already gone through the process or who are going through it now just like your family is.

The key is to let your child in on the fact that you think they’re old enough to begin the process of staying dry at night. Tell them how going to the bathroom before bed will become part of their normal routine and you expect accidents but you also expect that they try their hardest as well.

2. Invest In A Waterproof Mattress Pad

If you don’t, then say hello to a smelly, stained mattress.

These days, waterproof pads for bedding are cheap to come by and very readily available at your local superstores.

3. Don’t Get Upset

Realize right away that helping your child achieve staying dry all night will be no easy task.

There will be plenty of accidents and changing of the sheets. But do know that you’re not alone in your quest.

Countless others have been exactly where your family is now and they have gotten through it.

Getting angry at your child will only make them feel inferior in their actions in trying to stay dry. Instead of criticizing, give them positive reinforcements and lots of love.

Before you know it, your little one will be a master at staying dry throughout the night. hamile hamile - I am pregnant