

Am I Pregnant?

One of the most common questions of the sexually active women is "Am I pregnant?" If you've lost time or have other questions about your symptoms, please call the Helpline free 1-866-942-6466. According to the American Pregnancy Association, here is a list of some common symptoms of pregnancy:
Implantation bleeding:

About 6-12 days after conception the embryo implants in the uterine wall. Some women were spotted, as well as some cramping.

Other statements: Actual menstruation, menstrual, changes in the design of anti-pill, infection, or abrasion of the sexual relationship.

Delay / Difference in Menstruation: If you are pregnant, your next period should be missed. Many women do bleed while pregnant, but in general, the bleeding will be shorter or lighter than a normal period.

Other Explanation: Excessive weight gain / loss, fatigue, hormonal problems, tension, stress, which does not include the contraceptive pill, or breast-feeding.

Swelling / Breasts of tender: Beginning as early as 1-2 weeks after conception, many women change in their breasts. It was tender to the touch, pain or swelling.

Other Explanation: hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, and the next menstruation (PMS) can also cause the breasts are tender or swollen.

Darkening of areolas: If you are pregnant, the skin around your nipples may get darker.

Other Explanation: hormonal imbalance that is not related to pregnancy or perhaps a relic of a previous pregnancy.

Fatigue / tiredness: This symptom may start as early as the first week after conception.

Other Explanation: The stress, exhaustion, depression, colds or influenza or other diseases can also you are tired or fatigued.

Nausea / Morning Sickness: This popular often the symptoms appear between 2-8 weeks after conception. Some women are fortunate enough not to treat morning sickness at all, while others feel nauseated by the majority of her pregnancy.

Other Explanation: Food poisoning, stress, stomach or other disorders can also cause you to feel nauseous.

Back pain: Dull back pain may be present throughout a pregnancy.

Other Notes: The threat of menstruation, stress, other back problems, and physical or mental stress.

Headache: The surge of hormones in your body that can cause a headache early in the pregnancy.

Other Explanation: dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, eye, the imminence of menstruation or other disorders can be the source of frequent or chronic headaches.

Frequent urination: Approximately 6-8 weeks after conception, it can happen that you have a couple of trips to the bathroom.

Other Explanation: Urinary tract infection, diabetes, excess and taking diuretics.

Food cravings: Although you may not have a strong desire to eat pickles and ice cream, many women feel cravings for certain foods when they are pregnant. This can last throughout their pregnancy.

Another explanation: bad food, lack of a particular nutrient, stress, depression, or the imminence of menstruation.

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