

hCG Levels During Pregnancy

hCG used in pregnancy testsThe level of the hormone human Chorionic Gandotropin, more commonly known as hCG is the hormone whos levels are usually what is tested for during a pregnancy test which you have done by your doctor. A high level of hCG indicates a positive pregnancy. In some cases the increased hCG level can be detected in your blood as early as 8 days after conception, but in most cases it is usually around 11 days.

During the course of your pregnancy your hCG levels will increase and decrease, with the levels doubling on average every 30-31 hours until they peak, usually around the 9th and 10th weeks of your pregnancy.

The level of hCG then decreases slightly until the 16th week where it remains fairly constant until birth.

What does hCG do?
It's role is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum, secretes estrogen and progesterone. The production of hCG plays a critical part in your pregnancy.

What do low hCG Levels mean?
Should your healthcare provider determine that your hCG levels may be low, then this may mean that your conception date was miscalculated; that you may have an ectopic pregnancy or that you may be in danger of having a miscarriage. However, it is also possible to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy with low levels.

What do high hCG levels mean?
As with a low level, a high level may also indicate that your conception date was calculated incorrectly. It may also mean that you have a multiple pregnancy (twins) or even that you may have a Molar Pregnancy.

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