

Dizziness, symptom of pregnancy

Dizziness is a sign of pregnancy?

Some women experience dizziness in early pregnancy. But in general, dizziness in pregnancy is usually in the second or third trimester. Dizziness is not a classic symptom of pregnancy. Typical symptoms of pregnancy one or more missed periods (amenorrhea), breast tenderness, nausea or vomiting, and urinary frequency.

What causes dizziness in early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, blood volume (the volume of blood in the body), thirty percent. Conversely, lung capacity (or how much air the lungs can) five percent. This can lead to symptoms of shortness of breath and sometimes dizziness.

Other causes of dizziness

Orthostatic hypotension, low blood pressure that occurs when you select from a sitting position to standing (or lying position to sitting position), is a frequent cause of dizziness. Low blood sugar and inner ear infections are another cause of dizziness.


Kim Cole said...

Dizziness during pregnancy may also be caused by not eating properly. Make sure that you get to eat and drink accordingly. Tip: it is better to eat small meals frequently compared to eating three whole / full meals in one day.

Kim@Dizziness During Pregnancy said...

Dizziness in pregnancy is one of the common symptoms experienced by expecting moms. While it is scary and threatening feel lightheaded often, don’t be scared. Do not worry unless your dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms or is occurring at a certain frequency. Either way, dizziness in pregnancy is normal and experienced by all pregnant women.

Kim@Dizziness During Pregnancy said...

Dizziness in pregnancy is one of the common symptoms experienced by expecting moms. While it is scary and threatening feel lightheaded often, don’t be scared. Do not worry unless your dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms or is occurring at a certain frequency. Either way, dizziness in pregnancy is normal and experienced by all pregnant women.

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